FOX NEWS: 'Brady Bunch' star Maureen McCormick slams anti-vaxxers for using Marcia measles meme

'Brady Bunch' star Maureen McCormick slams anti-vaxxers for using Marcia measles meme

Anti-vaxxers circulating memes from an old episode of the “Brady Bunch” in which all of the kids come down with the measles has drawn the ire of one of the show’s former stars – who said the virus is no laughing matter.

FOX NEWS: 'Brady Bunch' star Maureen McCormick slams anti-vaxxers for using Marcia measles meme FOX NEWS: 'Brady Bunch' star Maureen McCormick slams anti-vaxxers for using Marcia measles meme Reviewed by zaira on April 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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